Reinventing the wheel? Modelling temporal uncertainty with applications to brooch distributions in Roman-Britain What follows is the pre-copy edited text of a paper that was published in its inal form as Baxter, M.J. and Cool, H.E.M. 2016. ‘Reinventing the wheel? Modelling temporal uncertainty with applications to brooch distributions in Roman Britain’, Journal of Archaeological Science 66, 120-27. The version here includes the supplementary material originally published online. The published paper is available at:- There are two other papers which provide additional information. The parent paper with all the data is Cool, H.E.M. and Baxter, M.J. 2016. ‘Brooches and Britannia’, Britannia 47, 71-98. doi: 10.1017/S0068113X16000039 Cool, H.E.M. and Baxter M.J. 2016. ‘Exploring morphological bias in metal-detected inds’, Antiquity 90 (issue 354), 1643-53. This paper explores one aspect of bias in the data which the research uncovered. 0.005 0.010 South North 0.000 density 0.015 Region −50 0 50 100 150 200 date 250 300 350 400 450 Reinventing the wheel? Modelling temporal uncertainty with applications to brooch distributions in Roman Britain M. J. Baxtera1 , H. E. M. Coolb a Nottingham Trent University (Emeritus), 16 Lady Bay Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 5BJ, UK. b Barbican Research Associates, 16 Lady Bay Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 5BJ, UK. Abstract A simple, simulation-based model of temporal uncertainty is presented that embraces other approaches recently proposed in the literature, including those more usually involving mathematical calculation rather than simulation. More specifically, it is shown how the random generation of dates for events, conditioned by uncertain temporal knowledge of the true date, can be adapted to what has been called the chronological apportioning of artefact assemblages and aoristic analysis (as a temporal rather than spatio-temporal method). The methodology is in the same spirit – though there are differences – as that underpinning the use of summed radiocarbon dates. A possibly novel approach to representing temporal change is suggested. Ideas are illustrated using data extracted from a large corpus of late Iron Age and Roman brooches, where the focus of interest was on their temporal and regional distribution over a period of about 450 years. KEYWORDS: aoristic, brooches, Roman, simulation, modelling, temporal change, temporal uncertainty 1 Introduction In a review paper, Modelling Temporal Uncertainty in Archaeological Analysis, Crema (2012: 441) ‘tackles the thorny but surprisingly neglected problem of both the quantification of temporal uncertainties and their integration into archaeological analysis’ (our emphasis). The present paper examines ways in which this problem might be addressed. It is shown that several recent proposals for modelling temporal uncertainty can be understood within the framework of a simple model of temporal variation. Some detailed illustrative examples are provided, primarily for a corpus of 10,921 brooches from late Iron Age and Roman Britain. Temporal variation is probabilistically modelled when radiocarbon dates are reexpressed in terms of a probability distribution over a range of calendar dates. Applications are widespread; Crema (2012: 141) largely excludes applications of this kind, where secure absolute dating evidence is available, from his review, and we follow suit. Crema does not intend to imply that archaeologists neglect time; rather that ‘we have often neglected the role of time in our quantitative methods, failing to integrate formally the temporal dimension as part of other analyses’ (our emphasis), and that ‘our assessment of time is often restricted to introductory and concluding narratives’. 1 Communicating author 1 Our interest in this problem stems from an investigation of regional differences in brooch use patterns in late Iron Age and Roman Britain (Cool and Baxter, 2016). Our realisation that the modelling approach developed there could be used to reinterpret other recently proposed methods prompted the present paper. The background to that study is presented in Section 2. Section 3 expands on the methodology, forming the basis for the illustrative applications of Section 4. Other methodologies that have been proposed recently are explicitly related to our approach in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper. The appendix includes supplementary material that provides additional mathematical and computational background. Version 3.1.2 of R (R Core Team, 2015) was used for all analyses. 2 Archaeological background and data Table 1, taken from Cool and Baxter (2016), is based on information extracted from Mackreth’s (2011) corpus Brooches in Late Iron Age and Roman Britain. A brooch can be assigned to a type and the region in which it was found. Many of the brooches were not recovered from dated contexts, but the type to which they belong can be assigned a terminus post quem (TPQ) based on the earliest date for brooches of the type found from dated contexts. Several types may be associated with the same TPQ and have been grouped together in Table 1. That is, the entries refer to counts of brooches from a region whose type has a particular TPQ with type differences for that TPQ being ignored. The period labels are conventional, named, for the most part, after the more memorable emperors or their families who dominated the period. Cool and Baxter (2016) aimed to compare the regional and temporal distributions of brooch use/loss – as evidenced by the archaeological record. Several problems were immediately encountered because of temporal uncertainty associated with the date of brooch loss, the pattern of brooch loss, and what will be called the life-span of a type. The life-span is determined by the terminus ante quem (TAQ), often not known with any precision. Some types were probably short-lived (10–15 years); for other types a lifespan of over 100 years is feasible. Some archaeologists (of whom Mackreth (2011) was one) work with what might be called a prior belief that brooch type life-spans are short, so that any late occurrence of a type is treated as de facto evidence of residuality. This means that competing archaeological interpretations of the ‘objective’ archaeological record contribute an extra layer of temporal uncertainty to any analysis. The pattern of loss is impossible to quantify with certainty. In cognate applications (Section 5), the assumption of a uniform distribution is common. This can be a reasonable assumption – essentially acknowledging total ignorance of the pattern (Crema, 2012). For artefact loss it seems qualitatively inappropriate; for example, the ‘popularity’ of a brooch type is more likely to rise to a peak and then decline. How this qualitative idea can be modelled is discussed below. 2 Table 1: Regional counts of late Iron Age and Roman brooches by TPQ and period. The regions are EA = East Anglia, N = North, S = South, EM = East Midlands, WM = West Midlands, SW = South-West. The periods are IA = Iron Age, AT = Augusto-Tiberian, CN = Claudio-Neronian, FL = Flavian, TH = Trajanic-Hadrianic, AS = Antonine-Severan, L = Late. TPQ -70 -50 -30 -20 -5 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 135 140 145 150 155 160 170 175 180 185 190 200 210 215 275 290 310 340 350 370 400 EA 25 25 13 0 6 62 2 173 9 38 3 32 247 31 82 190 297 68 55 29 89 130 161 70 4 10 52 12 10 36 8 21 23 34 10 29 13 22 7 16 68 44 15 19 23 3 5 3 8 5 4 N 0 1 2 1 0 11 0 14 0 4 0 0 26 2 8 8 24 4 10 11 58 70 89 73 5 1 37 25 6 10 7 17 15 50 2 21 18 3 7 3 16 25 19 33 2 7 3 3 5 0 0 S 88 107 49 7 24 141 19 532 26 277 13 56 561 72 203 106 182 68 74 27 106 57 73 26 5 12 58 18 7 38 6 19 11 37 8 15 31 12 15 12 40 28 9 33 3 7 6 3 12 3 7 EM 20 29 11 1 3 64 5 157 7 51 0 20 176 41 54 77 119 22 45 22 90 79 142 18 5 2 37 11 17 15 2 7 4 18 7 10 5 10 6 0 16 14 3 8 2 2 1 1 2 0 2 3 WM 3 3 1 0 0 30 0 37 3 15 0 1 50 5 20 28 34 19 64 10 53 35 63 10 13 1 40 13 9 11 3 7 0 11 1 6 2 0 4 0 11 3 0 1 2 1 1 3 5 2 2 SW 24 26 25 20 1 95 82 119 3 81 1 14 319 8 339 142 98 48 146 17 140 94 145 22 4 14 49 32 17 53 6 5 15 39 6 14 14 13 6 6 18 16 5 11 11 0 2 1 6 5 2 Period IA IA IA IA IA AT AT AT AT AT AT AT AT CN CN CN CN CN CN FL FL FL FL FL TH TH TH TH TH TH TH TH AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS AS L L L L L L L 3 3.1 Methods – modelling temporal uncertainty Sampling models Define an event of interest, ei – brooch loss in the previous section. There are n events; ei occurs between a TPQ, τ1i , and TAQ, τ2i ; call the difference between them the life-span of the event, Li . The date of occurrence of ei is unknown. Events can be characterised by a set of attributes, for example (Type, TPQ, TAQ, Region) for the brooch data. It is convenient to introduce the concept of event size. If a set of events is identical in all respects relevant to an analysis they can be grouped together and ‘Size’ may be treated as an event attribute. In Table 1 TPQ is a surrogate for type (ignoring any type differences where they have the same TPQ) so type becomes a redundant attribute. The entries in Table 1 are the sizes of events from the same region having the same TPQ. This is not restrictive since the date of loss of a brooch can be treated as a unique event with a size of 1 if appropriate. An assumption in what follows is that events are independent; this would be violated if, for example and in the context of the brooch data, a subset of brooches that constituted an event came from the same site and had a known stratigraphic relationship. Very few of the brooches in the sample belong to such subsets so the development below assumes independence. More generally, a reviewer has suggested that where this is an issue knowledge of stratigraphic information can be integrated into the simulation methodology used. With this in place the idea is to simulate a set of n random dates, di , using the model di = τ1i + Li × pi (1) where pi is sampled from a probability distribution, Φi (x), lying between 0 and 1. Assuming, temporarily, that τ2i and hence Li are known; practical implementation devolves to choosing Φi (x) to generate dates. A flexible model is the Beta distribution (see the Appendix). For immediate purposes it is sufficient to know that it is defined over the range [0, 1] and depends on two shape parameters, α and β. If α = β = 1 a uniform distribution is obtained. For α and β > 1 a unimodal distribution with a mode at M where α−1 M= α+β−2 is obtained. This is a symmetric distribution with M = 0.5 if α = β = 2. The concentration about the mode increases as the parameter values increase. This can be thought of as expressing the belief that brooch loss peaks half-way through the life-span of a type. If we believe that brooch loss peaks before its half-life then β > α > 1 generates M < 0.5. If α = 2, M = 1/β; for example, β = 4 models the idea that peak loss occurs a quarter of the way through the life-span of a type. The Beta distribution can be used to model specific beliefs about the nature of the temporal distribution of ei and is used in this paper unless otherwise stated. Some illustrations are provided in the appendix. The protocol described generates a sample of n dates, hence the term ‘sampling model’, which need to be summarised in some way. Graphical possibilities include moving averages, non-parametric regression curves or, as we choose here unless otherwise stated, kernel density estimates (KDEs). 4 3.2 ‘Population’ models An alternative perspective, here termed the ‘population’ model is to re-write model (1) as fi (d) = τ1i + Li Φi (x) (2) where fi (d) is the probability distribution for the date of an event. These can thought of as kernels that are summed and rescaled to get a KDE. This idea underpins applications using summed radiocarbon calibrated dates (Section 5.1). It can be thought of as a ‘population’ model in the sense that replicating the date set K times for large K will generate a set of dates that can be treated as a ‘population’; applying model (1) to these approximates the results obtained from model (2) (Sections 4 and 5 illustrate). Thus the ‘population’ model formulation can be subsumed within the sampling model approach. For tractable definitions of Φi results from model (2) can be obtained mathematically without recourse to simulation. The relative merits of the two approaches are discussed in Section 5.2. 3.3 Practicalities – model implementation Fairly typically, τ1i and τ2i are assumed known or subject to uncertainty that is small in relation to the life-span of an event. In applications to the brooch data of Table 1 the TAQs of a type are mostly rather uncertain, denying the luxury of treating Li as known. It thus needs to be modelled or assumed. Cool and Baxter (2016) initially assumed that all types had the same life-span (Li = L), and the effect of varying L was explored. This can be turned to advantage as it explicitly involves a multiscalar approach that acknowledges that perception of pattern varies with the temporal (or spatial, or spatio-temporal) resolution used (e.g., Bevan and Connolly, 2006, 2009; Crema, 2012; Palmisano, 2013; Markovsky, 2014). The use of KDEs (Baxter et al., 1997; Baxter, 2003: 29–37) also involves an element of ‘multi-scalarity’ since the picture obtained is dependent on the choice of bandwidth (equivalent to the choice of bin-width in a histogram). Smaller bandwidths reveal more detail and larger ones emphasise the broader patterns; taken to extremes an uninterpretable and/or uninformative picture emerges. The KDE obtained will clearly depend on the specific sample generated. The obvious way of dealing with this is to generate a set of simulated dates and overlay these, providing a good idea of the sampling variability involved and, possibly, more interpretable pictures than a single KDE provides. The general idea has been emphasised in some recent literature (e.g., Bevan, Crema et al., 2013; Crema, 2015) and is illustrated in Section 4. Any picture, and its interpretation, will depend on the probability model assumed. An obvious approach, yet again, is to explore the consequences of using different models. What is important is whether or not substantive archaeological interpretation changes according to the assumptions involved. In a kind of Bayesian spirit this can be thought of as a form of sensitivity analysis as prior beliefs about the life and ‘life-style’ of an entity are explored. 5 3.4 Aspects of uncertainty ‘Uncertainty’ manifests itself in various ways, and both reviewers have asked that we clarify how the models described above might handle different kinds of uncertainty. Specifically, and adopting the terminology of Cool and Baxter (2016), there is uncertainty surrounding (a) the life-span of a single artefact, (b) the life-span of an artefact type (i.e. Li ), (c) the assignation of a type to a particular time period, and (d) the distribution of use over a time period. The models described above require that Li be specified and this can be done either purposively or randomly as Figure 1 illustrates. The data used for the figure, from Table 1, involves events with a size n ≥ 1 but, in principle, the model can be used if n = 1 for all n, covering case (a) above, if one has sufficient information. How practical this is will depend very much on context; for our application it is only necessary to assign an artefact to a type (based on Mackreth’s (2011) comprehensive study) and types to a period defined, by the TPQ about which we are reasonably confident. That is, it is not necessary to know too much else about an individual artefact, though should detailed knowledge exist it can be exploited. The assumptions concerning Li and use-patterns over time, (d) above, generate a random sample of dates of brooch loss from which inferences about temporal and regional variation can be explored, repeated simulation and variation of assumptions allowing the robustness of inferences to be assessed. We have mostly used the Beta distribution to model patterns of brooch loss. That, over its life-span, an artefact type increases then declines in popularity is an idea that many – if not most – specialists would be comfortable with and, for example, this kind of ‘model’ underpins many seriation methods in common use. If an event is such that one is genuinely ignorant about its temporal distribution, within defined limits, or unwilling to make assumptions, then the uniform distribution, which is a special case of the Beta distribution, is a natural choice. To elaborate a little, Cool and Baxter (2016) explored other approaches to dealing with the uncertainty associated with the TPQ, τ1i , and the TAQ, τ2i . The TPQs are known with reasonable confidence, but there is still some uncertainty attendant on them. This was investigated in Cool and Baxter by simulating values for τ1i over the range (τ1i − c, τ1i ) using a uniform distribution for a suitably chosen constant c (which can be varied). The TAQ can be similarly treated. This might be thought of as akin to the use of hyperpriors in Bayesian models, where the parameters of a prior distribution are themselves modelled by a prior distribution. The main approach used in Cool and Baxter (2016) was to vary the assumptions about the TAQ to see what effect this has on conclusions. Using values up to, and beyond, what most specialists would consider realistic, substantive conclusions about temporal and regional variation are surprisingly robust. Some other approaches to dealing with uncertainty, explored in the literature, may be noted briefly. Bevan, Connolly et al. (2013) deal with a problem where assignation of artefacts to periods is rather less certain that in our application. Taking conventionally and broadly defined periods as ‘given’, they use the subjective judgments of several specialists to assign artefacts to periods with different degrees of ‘confidence’ (summing to 100%). Towards the other end of what might be thought of as a ‘scale of uncertainty’, where a parametric model is proposed for (in our example) life-span there is the possibility of estimating, rather than assuming, the parameters if a sufficient number of ‘exact’ 6 dates are available. This isn’t a practical option for our data but the idea is exploited in Manning et al. (2014: 1073, 1078) who model the ‘broad-scale “temporal shape” of Neolithic cultures’ using a Gaussian model for summed probability distributions based on radiocarbon dates (Section 5.1) and suggest other unimodal distributions might also be used. 4 Applications 4.1 Brooches – the sampling model For illustration, the data for the South (3349 brooches) and North (756) from Table 1 will be used. Initially assume that Li = L = 100 and α = β = 2. Applying model (1) with 99 simulations results in Figure 1a. 0.010 Assumed life−span, 100 years. Beta model α=2, β= 2 Variable life−span, 10−100 years. Beta model α=2, β= 2−5 Region Region density 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.008 0.006 0.004 density South North 0.015 South North −50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 −50 date 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 date (a) (b) Figure 1: Density plots of brooch use over time, for the South and North regions (Table 1), from 99 simulations assuming a life-span of 100 years The left-hand plot is modelled using a life-span of 100 years and a Beta distribution with α = 2 and β = 2; that to the right uses randomly assigned life-spans between 10–100 years, and Beta distributions with α = 2 and β randomly sampled between 2 and 5. The comparison is between relative densities of use within regions over time. The message – archaeologically not a surprise – is that significant brooch use starts and declines earlier in the South than the North. The pattern of rise and fall for the South is mirrored, with time shifts, in most other regions (Cool and Baxter, 2016); the North departs from this in that the decline is arrested in the first half of the third century AD. The greater uncertainty associated with the pattern for the North, manifest in the thicker banded structure, is attributable to the smaller sample size. For the most part we lack the knowledge to quantify the life-span of types with any certainty, though they undoubtedly vary. Similarly, quantifying the pattern of brooch loss with any certainty is not possible, except that we incline to the belief that peak brooch loss is likely to occur before the half-life of a type. To explore the consequences 7 of this the life-span and peak-brooch loss at each TPQ were randomly varied. For illustration, Figure 1b shows the result of sampling Li randomly from a uniform distribution bounded by 10 and 100 years, fixing α = 2, and randomly sampling β from a uniform distribution between 2 and 5. The inter-regional differences are still apparent but Figure 1b shows more sampling variability than Figure 1. This becomes problematic when other regions, lying in an intermediate position, are plotted, since patterns in the data are obscured by overlapping (Cool and Baxter, 2016). One way of avoiding this is to plot ‘simulation envelopes’ that strip out some percentage of the more extreme simulations. This is not needed for Figure 1 as the pattern remains clear, but is illustrated in Cool and Baxter (2016) following methodology described in Bevan et al. (2013). Figure 1b differs from Figure 1a in the pattern of intra-regional variation for the North where two modes are now apparent, a little after AD 150 and in the first quarter of the third century AD. This arises because these are two periods where new types were introduced, with a noticeably greater presence than in the years either side of them (Table 1). The modelling assumptions are such that relatively few dates are generated for the TPQs concerned that overlap between the two periods and, with not much happening in between, the modes emerge. With assumptions allowing for greater overlap the modes coalesce, as in Figure 1a. This is illustrative of the multi-scalar approach, and invites interpretation which is interesting from both a statistical and archaeological perspective. From the latter point of view one possible explanation for the pattern in Figure 1b (which we think is unsustainable – Cool and Baxter, 2016) is that it reflects patterns of military occupation in the North in the latter half of the Roman era. Another possibility is that the hiatus in brooch use suggested in Figure 1b, and thus the modelling assumptions that generated it, is unrealistic. Other possibilities are discussed in Cool and Baxter (2016), among them the possibility that observed patterns may be partially affected by modern recovery practices such as metal-detection. The modelling approach both draws attention to phenomena that merit explanation and makes explicit the assumptions that can give rise to different perceptions of pattern. Statistically, as the assumptions increasingly restrict the dates at which brooch loss can occur, by ‘pushing’ simulated dates closer to the TPQ of a type, the density plot becomes ‘bumpier’ and less interpretable. This makes regional comparisons more difficult and implies, unrealistically, that all types ‘expire on birth’. Smoother, more interpretable plots are obtained by allowing types a reasonable life. In adopting a multi-scalar approach, realistic bounds are needed for the scales of temporal resolution explored; what is realistic may not be obvious! 4.2 Brooches – the ‘population’ model Thus far the sampling model has been used. The population model is now employed. Suppose it is of interest to investigate brooch use over time within the different periods of Table 1 and, more specifically, estimate the proportional distribution of brooch use/loss across periods for regions. Figure 2 illustrates the general scheme. Three events are shown, the life-spans of which overlap each other and two or more of the periods defined. The problem is to determine the proportion of the distribution of an event that occurs within each of the 8 periods that it overlaps – what Crema (2012: 446) calls the ‘probability of existence’. If a uniform distribution is assumed it is straightforward to calculate the proportions mathematically. As already discussed, a similar result can be obtained via the sampling model if K copies of the event are generated, for large enough K. If K dates are simulated for an event, the counts falling within each period are obtained and and converted to probabilities on division by K. What constitutes a ‘large’ value of K can be investigated in context by experimentation. 70 3 10 110 event 2 30 140 1 60 Period A 0 20 Period B 40 60 80 Period C 100 120 140 date (AD) Figure 2: A schematic representation of the problem of apportioning the probability distribution of events across periods. Table 2: The estimated ‘population’ distribution (%) of brooch loss across periods by region based on 100 replicates of Table 1. The assumed life-span is 100 years with α = β = 2 in the Beta distribution model. SW S EA EM WM N IA 2 4 1 2 1 0 AT 5 9 4 6 4 1 Period CN FL 14 25 20 27 11 22 14 23 9 19 3 8 TH 33 24 33 33 37 31 AS 15 9 17 16 24 36 L 5 6 11 5 6 21 Table 2 shows the results of applying model (1) to Table 1 with numbers multiplied by 100 (i.e. 100 replicates) when results stabilise. Archaeologically, much of what can be inferred from Table 2 can be inferred from plots similar to those in Figure 1, with 9 the addition of the other regions (Cool and Baxter, 2016). Table 2, however, provides a concise numerical summary. 5 5.1 Related methodologies Summed radiocarbon calibrated dates A radiocarbon date for an event, call it τi , is converted via calibration into a distribution of calendar dates, fi (d; τi ). Given a large enough number of dates relating to a long span of time these distribution may be summed and scaled to obtain what is, in effect, a KDE which, it is hoped in many applications, can be interpreted, as Contreras and Meadows (2014: 591) put it, as a ‘valid prox[y] for human populations’. Use of this methodology is widespread (Williams, 2012). It is identical in spirit to the ‘population’ model (2), though differing in the nature of the prior information and the way the date distribution is obtained, directly, via the calibration procedure. The main intention in this paper is to note the connection to the models proposed in Section 3, but it may be observed that there is a current, sometimes quite vigorous, debate taking place about the merits of the methodology. Much of the critical literature on the subject (e.g., Williams, 2012; Contreras and Meadows, 2014; Manning et al., 2014; Woodbridge et al., 2014; Torfing, 2015a,b; Timpson et al., 2015) is concerned with evaluating whether or not summed radiocarbon dates are indeed reasonable proxies for the temporal distribution of past human populations. The potential effects of the calibration procedure are not relevant here. Taphonomic issues – the nature of the survival and recovery of entities and the extent to which they are representative of past ‘target’ populations (in the statistical sense) – are important. Discussion is beyond the scope of the present paper but see Surovell and Brantingham (2007) and Surovell et al. (2009). Also worth noting, though also not for detailed discussion, is Grove (2011) who allies the combination of radiocarbon dates – explicitly via KDE methods – with spatial modelling as an approach to reconstructing land-use distributions through time. Of more immediate interest, and the subject of discussion in some of these papers, is the issue of sample size. The observed τi are a sample; even if there are no other issues the question of what sample size is needed to obtain a good (human) population proxy arises. Williams (2012) suggests, on the basis of sub-sampling from a large number of dates, that a sample of at least 500 is needed; Contreras and Meadows (2014) take issue, suggesting that, depending on the time scale involved and the changing density of τi over the range, even samples of 2000 may not be adequate. Shennan et al. (2013) and particularly Timpson et al. (2014), in turn, take issue with the approach used by Contreras and Meadows and develop a methodology, heavily dependent on statistical hypothesis testing and simulation ideas, intended to show that valid inferences can be drawn from much smaller samples than suggested in the other papers cited above. The rather polarized debate subsequently generated by this claim, in the papers by Torfing (2015a,b) and Timpson et al. (2015), can be read more as arguments about whether the pre-conditions necessary for the methodology to be useful apply than the technicalities of the methodology itself. The lesson to be drawn from this is probably that it is dangerous to be prescriptive. Section 5.2 explores how such questions might be addressed using the sampling model of Section 3.1. 10 5.2 Chronological apportioning of artefact assemblages Roberts et al. (2012) describe a method for the chronological apportioning of ceramic assemblages. Their concern is to make temporal comparisons between long-inhabited sites characterized by ceramic wares from multiple time periods. Their illustrative example (their Table 3) focuses on nine events (ceramic types) with sizes ranging from 4 to 1605, five of which are 13 or less. The site is dated from AD 1200 to AD 1350, divided into sub-periods of 50 years duration; the TPQs, TAQs and life-spans are highly variable and, in general, only partially overlap the sub-periods of interest. The task Roberts et al. set themselves is to apportion the size of an event across the sub-periods. This is exactly the problem represented in Figure 2 where probabilities are calculated for each type within sub-periods and multiplied by the size of the event. Roberts et al. (2012: 1519–1520) accomplish this mathematically via a population model, assuming either a uniform or truncated normal distribution Φi . Results, in their Table 2, can be reproduced very closely using the sampling model, as in Section 4.2, with an admittedly large number, K, of copies of the data set. Details are not shown here; for brevity we examine how estimates of the assemblage total vary with K and Φi , Li being known. Table 3: Estimated assemblage totals by period for the data of Roberts et al. (2012), as the number of replications K and the date distribution model vary. The periods A–C are AD 1200–1250, AD 1250–1300 and AD 1300–1350. Results in the table to the right are based on K = 100, 000. Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform Uniform (K (K (K (K (K (K = = = = = = 10) 102 103 ) 104 ) 105 ) 106 ) A 684 B 772 C 830 1667 668 698 727 680 685 435 1022 561 763 770 773 184 616 1026 795 836 828 Uniform TN(2) A 684 855 B 772 708 C 830 723 Beta(2,2) Beta(2,3) Beta(2,4) TN(2.5) TN(3) 848 1050 1207 954 1063 719 608 650 670 629 719 538 429 662 594 The top line in the table to the left of Table 3 shows the estimated sub-period totals determined mathematically; the rest of the table shows the variation in estimates using the sampling model formulation as K varies. A rather large value of K > 100, 000 is needed before results stabilise (results are obtained almost instantaneously, however). The right-hand table shows the estimates obtained, for K = 100, 000 as Φi varies. The top two lines are the mathematically determined estimates for the uniform distribution and, following Roberts et al., a Normal distribution symmetrically truncated at ±2 (T N (a) denotes a Normal distribution symmetrically truncated at ±a). The message is that results are very dependent on Φi ; Roberts et al. apply what they call a ‘demographic adjustment’ to allow for estimated variations in the (human) population, but this does not affect the overall conclusion. Arguably for artefact studies at least, and in general, none of the ‘prior beliefs’ embodied in the assumed Φi are inherently unrealistic. Why use the sampling model (with replication) when the mathematics is tractable? In a sense this is a moot point; both give rise to the same results. The sampling model 11 methodology is arguably an inelegant ‘brute force’ approach, but then, as these things go, the mathematical approach is hardly endowed with aesthetic appeal. The sampling model can be readily applied, is fast, flexible and – perhaps most importantly – allows the rapid comparison of the results from a wide variety of modelling assumptions, not all necessarily mathematically tractable. If the view is taken in an application that events should be equated with dates rather than date distributions the sampling model, with repeated simulations, allows a ready assessment of sampling variation. 5.3 Aoristic analysis In a key paper, in the field of criminology, Ratcliffe (2000) defines aoristic analysis as ‘the spatial interpretation of unspecific temporal events’. Johnson (2004) is credited with introducing the ideas to archaeology; archaeological applications have been pursued by Enrico Crema and colleagues (Crema, 2011, 2012; Crema et al., 2010, 2013). The focus has mainly been on spatio-temporal analysis; here the concern is solely with temporal analysis following, with some reinterpretation and selective emphases, the account of Crema (2012). Events are assumed to have a non-zero probability of existence over some period of time. Usually date distributions are assumed to be uniform and embedded within a much longer time-span, typically defined so that it can be divided, arbitrarily, into time-blocks of equal length. Crema notes that time blocks of equal length and the uniform distribution assumption are not mandatory, but the former is mathematically convenient and the latter assumption judged to be appropriate in his application. Event probabilities are distributed among the time-blocks in which they occur, and probabilities for events within time blocks are summed to get what are termed aoristic weights. The framework is identical to that illustrated in Figure 2, specialising to the uniform distribution and equal length time-blocks. The aoristic weights can be used in various ways, most simply by plotting them in some way against the temporal order of the time-blocks. Figure 3 uses the 756 brooches from the North, in Table 1, for illustration. A uniform distribution across a 100 year life-span for a type is assumed with the period 80 BC to AD 500 divided arbitrarily into time-blocks of 20 years. ‘Population’ aoristic weights were approximated via the sampling model with K = 200 replicates of the data. A little experimentation suggests K = 100 would be satisfactory so 200 is ‘on the safe side’. Thus 151,200 dates are generated, allocated to time-blocks, counted, and divided by 200 to get aoristic weights. Although the aoristic weights are summed probabilities and not frequencies there seems no reason not to use a histogram-style presentation, as illustrated in Figure 3. Numbers are rescaled so this can be thought of as a density distribution of aoristic weights. This is overlaid in the figure with 100 simulated KDEs obtained from the sampling model (without replicating the data). This shows that, as far as an overall representation of temporal change goes, a continuous rather than ‘blocky’ portrayal is equally valid. Variation in the density estimates can be removed, if one wishes, by replicating the data set a sufficiently large number of times. The main difference between the KDEs in Figure 3 and those for the North in Figure 1a arise from the different Φi used. They are, nevertheless, similar. It suggests that the aoristic weights as modelled here are essentially a ‘binned’ presentation of dates, modelled continuously if KDEs are used. 12 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.000 0.002 Density −100 0 100 200 300 400 500 date Figure 3: Normalised aoristic weights for the North data of Table 1, represented in the form of a histogram with superimposed KDEs for 100 sets of simulated dates. Crema’s (2012) article has a focus on rates of change at the transition periods between time-blocks. Echoing a concern voiced in Crema et al. (2010), Crema (2012: 448) states that ‘the main problem with this approach is that information related to uncertainty is embedded in the results and as such it provides a broad “likelihood” of the intensity of the process for single time-blocks but is unable to provide formal probabilistic description when two or more time-blocks are directly compared’. The quite subtle argument, and illustrative example, provided by Crema is not rehearsed here; suffice it to note that a mathematical resolution of the problem identified is proposed, but it turns out to be computationally infeasible. To get round the computational problem Crema (2012: 450–451) resorts, without using our formalism, to the sampling model (1), generating simulated sets of n dates and basing subsequent analysis on these. For his specific problem Crema (2012: 452) groups the dates for each simulation into time-blocks and defines a measure of change at transitions between blocks as the difference in counts between a block and that preceding it divided by the (common) time span of the blocks (see, also, Kolář et al., 2015). Simulated values at transitions are summarised in a multiple boxplot. Figure 4a emulates Crema’s Figure 5 using the brooch data for the North; the example is illustrative so only 100 simulations are used. Figure 3 suggested that the ‘blocky’ presentational aspects of temporal aoristic analysis might be abandoned in favour of a continuous portrayal. This is equally true of the representation of change illustrated in Figure 4a. An alternative measure of change to that used for Figure 4a can be based on the first derivatives of the KDEs that can be 13 1e−04 3 0 −1 5e−05 0e+00 first derivative 1 −5e−05 rate of change 2 −1e−04 −2 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 −3 date date (a) (b) Figure 4: The left-hand figure is of multiple boxplots of estimated rates of change (as described in the text) between time blocks of 20 years, for the North data of Table 1, based on 100 simulations. The right-hand figure is based on KDEs of the simulated data, the rate of change being determined by the first derivatives of the KDEs. generated from the simulated data (readily done in R) and plotted as in Figure 4b. It is apparent that the two figures tell the same story. Arguably figures such as Figure 4b are to be preferred, since they do not confine investigation of change to the arbitrary transition points used in analyses like Figure 4a. The idea exploited here is, in context, possibly new. One final point, not illustrated for reasons of space, is that multi-scalar analysis should not be neglected. If assumptions are adopted that ‘push’ simulated dates closer to their TPQs, the result is predictable. More and sharper modes and anti-modes appear in the density estimates and their derivatives. As mentioned elsewhere above, what constitutes sensible scales at which to investigate temporal variation is contextdependent and a matter for archaeological judgment. 6 Discussion and conclusion The phrase ‘reinventing the wheel?’ is in this paper’s title for a good reason. When we researched alternatives to the model used in Cool and Baxter (2016) it became evident that several other approaches motivated by similar concerns had indeed been proposed. It would not have been a surprise, therefore, to discover that we had reinvented previous methodology. In the event we have yet to locate an explicit archaeological formulation of what we term the sampling model (1), though it certainly underpins some studies. Some of the relevant studies we are aware of are – with varying degrees of explicitness – in terms of what is here called the population model (2), implemented mathematically (e.g. Willett, 2014). In these circumstances thinking in terms of the sampling model isn’t necessary. Nevertheless, as has been illustrated, results from the population model can be replicated via the sampling model by the simple device of data replication, so subsequent discussion is based on model (1). It’s not suggested that the latter should be used in preference to 14 an appropriate population model; only that it is possible to do so, if wished. The sampling model framework provides a simple, unifying, conceptual approach for modelling temporal uncertainty that embraces a number of – at first sight – disparate methods. A particular attraction is the practicality of the methodology which can be easily and rapidly applied to explore the consequences of varying model assumptions, not all of which need be as mathematically tractable as the normal and uniform models are. Adopting the uniform distribution amounts to expressing a belief – total ignorance – about the potential date of an event within its assumed life-span. The assumption may be unrealistic in some applications, such as artefact studies where we started from, where the expectation is more usually that the use of types rises to a peak of popularity and then declines. This idea can be readily incorporated in analysis within a formal modelling framework. The brooch study used for illustration here may act as a paradigm. The lifespan of a type is not known with any certainty, nor is the use pattern except for beliefs related to popularity peaks. Different scholars can hold strong and conflicting views about these matters. Where their beliefs are both articulated coherently and are rational they can be modelled and confronted with data, should an adequate body exist, to explore the consequences. Model (1) lends itself to the exploration of the consequences of different archaeological assumptions. Any modelling exercise should be undertaken with an archaeological aim or aims in mind, and discriminating between the relative merits of different views when confronted with good quality data may be among these aims. Some instances of this kind of use were noted in Section 4 and further examples using the same data can be found in Cool and Baxter (2016). Formal modelling of temporal uncertainty has, as others have noted before us, considerable potential. It allows, if you like, narrative skeletons – well-articulated or not – to be clothed in quantitative flesh. The body may change in appearance as the temporal resolution and other assumptions related to temporal uncertainty are varied. If the bodies end up differing much in appearance the transparency of the modelling process provides an indication of why this is happening; you may then be forced to decide which, if any, you prefer and why. If you go in for bodily creation it helps to have the vision of a Frankenstein and, preferably, better tools that can be employed to better effect. It is hoped that this paper has demonstrated that, for certain classes of problem involving temporal uncertainty, the sampling model is a useful unifying tool, easy to understand, flexible, practical, and capable of delivering results rapidly that can then be contemplated in a more leisurely fashion. Modelling is important; modelling is practical; modelling, if it is a consideration, can be fun. Acknowledgements The thorough reading and constructive comments of two referees of the original draft are gratefully acknowledged. 15 A Appendix – Supplementary Material A-1.1 The Beta distribution A variety of Beta distributions are illustrated in Figure A-1. Beta distributions α=30, β=30 α=2, β=2 α=2, β=2 α=2, β=5 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 x Figure A-1: Beta distributions for different values of α and β. The Beta probability distribution with parameters α and β has the form f (x) = Γ(α + β) α−1 x (1 − x)β−1 Γ(α)Γ(β) for 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, where Γ(α) is the gamma function, Γ(α) = (α − 1)! for integer α, and B(α, β) = Γ(α)Γ(β) Γ(α + β) is the beta function. The mean of the distribution is µ = α/(α+β); the variance is σ 2 = µ(1−µ)/(α+β+1); and the mode is (α − 1)/(α + β − 2). Using R (R Core Team, 2015) different Beta distributions can be generated, and inspected for their suitability for modelling date distributions with curve(dbeta(x,3,7)), for example, which generates and plots the Beta distribution for α = 3 and β = 7. The Beta distribution seems not to have been widely advertised in the quantitative archaeological literature – it is not mentioned in introductory quantitative archaeology 16 texts. Instances we are aware of arise in Bayesian applications, as prior and posterior distributions for a parameter in some model of interest (e.g., Buck et al., 1996: 101–102, 146–159; Robertson, 1999, Ortman, 2000, Orton, 2000; Cowgill, 2002; Millard, 2005; Verhagen, 2007, Chapter 4); see, also, Baxter (2003: 179–182). The use of the Beta distribution in this paper can be thought of as a prior distribution for modelling beliefs about date distributions, with the more widely used uniform distribution as a special case. It is used as a means of exploring the consequences of different assumptions about the life-span of an artefact type, rather than for producing a posterior distribution for such beliefs as might be attempted in a full Bayesian analysis. A-1.2 R code Generating and plotting dates The function rbeta(n, shape1, shape2) can be used to generate random values from the Beta distribution, where n is the event size, shape1 = α and shape2 = β. Model (1) in the main text is di = τ1i + Li × pi where τ1i is the TPQ for the ith of n events; Li is its assumed life-span; and pi is a probability determined, in the example to follow, by the parameters, α and β, of a Beta distribution. Events may have a ‘size’ (e.g. the total number of artefacts identical in all respects relevant to an analysis). Create a data frame, data say, of two columns, the first of which contains the TPQs and the second the sizes of the events. The following function repeatedly simulates sets of dates and plots these as KDEs. myplot <- function(X, Life = 100, Alpha = 1, Beta = 1, nsim = 99, BW = 10, K = 1, Ylim = .010) { n <D <size L <- nrow(X) X[,1] <- X[,2] * K rep(Life, n) # TPQs # Modify if non-constant L needed # Function to simulate one set of dates date.sim <- function() { simD <- NULL for(i in seq(1, n, 1)) { simD <- c(simD, D[i] + L[i] * rbeta(size[i], Alpha, Beta)) } simD } # Now plot for repeated (nsim) simulations date.sim.plot <- function() { for(j in seq(1, nsim, 1)) { simdates <- date.sim() 17 lines(density(simdates, bw = BW)$x, density(simdates, bw = BW)$y) } } plot(NULL, xlim=c(-100, 500), ylim=c(0, Ylim), ylab="density", xlab="date", main="") date.sim.plot() } The arguments are X = the n × 2 data set; Life = assumed common life-span L; Alpha, Beta = parameters of the Beta distribution; nsim = number of simulations to run; BW = bandwidth of the KDEs; K = a multiplication factor for the size vector; Ylim = limit of y-axis, a suitable value for which may need a little experimentation. The function date.sim generates random dates, the total being the sum of the event sizes; date.sim.plot generates and plots KDEs for nsim such simulated data sets. The default is to generate plots assuming a uniform distribution with a common life-span of 100 years; the following myplot(data, Alpha=2, Beta = 2) would provide an analysis with α = β = 2 assuming a Beta distribution, other arguments being set to their defaults. If the truncated Normal distribution rather than the Beta distribution is used, confining attention to standard Normal distributions symmetrically truncated at ±a, denoted by zT N ∼ T N (a), random probabilities between 0 and 1 can be generated using the transformation (zT N + a)/2a. The rtruncnorm function from the truncnorm package (Trautmann et al., 2014) can be used to generate random values. In the date.sim function use a <- 2 L[i]*(rtruncnorm(size[i], -a, a) + a)/2*a)} in place of L[i] * rbeta(size[i], Alpha, Beta) The value a = 2 has been used for illustration and could be provided by an argument in myplot. The line L <- rep(Life, n) can be modified to accommodate other assumptions; for example L <- runif(n, 20, 90) would generate n random life-spans sampled from a uniform distribution between 20 and 90 years. For the ‘population’ model some experimentation with K > 1 may be needed, this determining the total number of random dates generated. For plots of the first derivatives the kdde function from the ks package can be used (Tarn, 2015). Add a new function, date.sim.plot.deriv identical to date.sim.plot except that the lines command is replaced with lines(kdde(simdates, deriv.order = 1)$eval.points, kdde(simdates, deriv.order=1)$estimate) followed by library(ks) plot(NULL, xlim=c(-.00012, .00013), ylim=c(0, 0.010)) date.sim.plot.deriv(Alpha = 1, Beta = 1) where, as before, experimentation with the plot limits will be needed. 18 Aoristic analysis Continuing with the example, the density histogram of aoristic weights in Figure 3 of the main text can be obtained using something like simdates <- date.sim() Breaks <- seq(-80, 500, 20) H <- hist(simdates, breaks = Breaks , plot = F) plot(H, freq = F, xlab = "date", ylab = "density") where the data have been replicated K = 1000 times for illustration. If the unscaled aoristic weights are needed they can be obtained from H$counts divided by the value of K. 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